Breakthroughs on Demand!

You CAN unleash your natural ability to cause and expand breakthroughs on demand!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's 6:33 p.m., Eastern time... Are you Living Outside the Box???

Dear Breakthrough buddies,

Welcome to the Breakthroughs: Living Outside the Box Blog!

Like all great endeavors, I'm hoping this blog survives long after the people participating forget what it was started for... guffaw guffaw.

But seriously, get your game face on... We have two weeks left in the Breakthroughs seminar, and then the rest of our lives to practice! What are you creating today?

I am creating miracles in my life! I am teaching a workshop in a few minutes for a non-profit organization on the subject of Overcoming Circumstances. Are you as amused as I am?

I look forward to bold new possibilities arising for each and every one of us as we explore this bold, new decade of our lives! Have a great evening!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Well the very first breakthrough for me is that I am on the BLOG! Even though I had to call Brian to tell me to hit the comment option, I am still excited to be on the BLOG!!! My son and his girlfriend are coming on the 25th! My son is a graduate but his girlfriend is not! P.S. NOT the son and girlfriend I shared about, by the way!

  2. Hi all ~ This is Justine (Group 18). I had a breakthrough worth sharing yesterday with my boss @ work. We went for coffee outside of work and had an authentic conversation where I openly shared about how I was being with her which was no longer working for me. I am being a cause in the matter & it feels great. I also repaired a quilt last night while watching a movie with my husband last night ~ it sounds small & it is however, the hole is fixed! xo, Justine

  3. Suzy

    I finally got my friend to attend the LMF introduction on 13th Jan. it was a breakthrough for me. She did not sign up,but I,m still going to invite her to join us for the 10th seminar ssession.who knows, may be she need a bit more nudging. Ms.Geneva M. led a fantastic introduction.

  4. Hello! Valerie (group 12). I have had a couple of breakthroughs... ! Here's one to share: In trying to organize the morning better for my twin girls (1st grade)- I put together a chart with pictures showing them the steps to get ready ... they were so enthusiastic on Day one... that one of the twins not only made her bed, but made her sisters bed too AND cleaned her whole room (unprompted) BY HERSELF!! :)

  5. Suzy

    I had been trying to get my two children to get up and get ready in time for their bus everyday. Being the new Year and the new decade,I decided enough was enough, I warned them, that I was not going to wake them up in the morning anymore. It was their duty to be ready on time. As expected my son missed the bus. I refused to drive him to school, he had to ask his dad to drive him, it wasn't very plesant I guess. I spoke to them about having integrity, specially because they have done the teen forum themselves. I also realised, because I did not want to deal with the hassel of them being late, and me having to drive them to school, I was pandering to my own needs, and actually keeping them from being responsible for themselves, by waking them up, and constantly being on their case till they got on the bus. That sure used to bother me everyday. Now that they realise I
    will not wake them, things are actually very
    orderly in the Patil household every morning. I sure am free of being upset and they are hopefully on the way to becoming responsible young people.
